Porcupine Rim

Trailhead River Parking Lot

Meeting Locations >

Porcupine Rim Trailhead River Parking Lot:

Hazard County Shuttle departs from the Porcupine Rim Trailhead River parking lot, located along the beautiful Colorado River. Ensure you park in the correct lot to avoid missing the shuttleDo not park in the Grandstaff Canyon parking lot or the Grandstaff Campground.

The Porcupine Rim Trailhead River parking lot is the end of the Whole Enchilada trail system and the world-famous Porcupine Rim Classic mountain biking trail. We service the Porcupine Rim Classic trail and the Whole Enchilada lower section from this parking area.

There is spotty cell service at best on the river road. Drive 4 miles up the river road (HWY 128) and look for the large dirt parking lot on the river side of the road. The Porcupine Rim Classic TH River parking lot is located across the street from the Grandstaff Canyon asphalt parking lot and above the Grandstaff Campground parking lot. Ensure you park in the correct lot or we won't be able to find you.

Parking your car here will provide fast and easy access to your vehicle. This means immediate food, water, and shelter once your ride is complete eliminating the 6-mile pedal back to Moab. If you rented a bike in town, this is a great option for you ensuring that you return it to the bike shop on time, and avoid additional costly rental charges.

If you are riding the Porcupine Rim Classic, or the Whole Enchilada lower section (LPS & Porcupine Rim Classic), this is where we'll pick you up.

Please be ready to board the shuttle 15 minutes prior to departure.


From town head, North on HWY 191 turn right at the Colorado River onto HWY 128. Drive 4 miles to the Porcupine Rim Classic Trailhead River parking area located on the river side of the road above the Grandstaff Campground. The parking area is a large dirt lot capable of accommodating over 30 vehicles. Ensure you park in the correct lot to avoid missing the shuttle. Do not depend on your mobile device to find this parking lot as cell reception is spotty at best on the river road.

Trails We Shuttle:

We shuttle the following trails from this departure location.

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Porcupine Rim Trailhead Parking Lot

Popular Mountain Bike Trails We Shuttle From This Departure Location

The Whole Enchilada $40.00

Lower Section

13.5 miles / 300' elevation gain / 7,284' high / 3,985' low / -4.8% avg. grade / -33% max grade
◈ ADVANCED – Technical Features and Physically Challenging