Intermediate trails designated by a blue square symbol offer steeper terrain than green trails, coupled with unavoidable obstacles and larger features. You will find ledgy rock shelves and small drops generally ranging up to 8 – inches tall.
Category: Trails

Intermediate trails designated by a blue square symbol offer steeper terrain than green trails, coupled with unavoidable obstacles and larger features. You will find le dgy rock shelves and small drops generally ranging up to 8 – inches tall. A caveat in regard to trail ratings – and Moab trail ratings in general – is that the difficulty of a trail is based on an overall trail rating. Meaning in the instance of a blue intermediate trail the majority of the trail is suitable for intermediate riders while certain segments and sections of the trail can and most likely will be slightly more challenging. There might be alternative lines to bypass these features if not when in doubt walk it out.
Intermediate Bike Trails ▣
Steeper terrain than Green Circle rated trails. Drops typically range up to 8 inches tall. Alternative lines to bypass sections may exist. Intermediate trails have are larger and more technical obstacles.
Jasper East ▣
Little Salty ▣
North 40 ▣
Pothole Arch ▣
Ramblin' ▣
Raptor Route ▣
Rockin' A ▣
Sidewinder ▣
Snippet ▣
The Edge ▣
Zoltar ▣
Wahoo ▣
Whip Tail ▣
Intermediate + Bike Trails ▣ ◉
Changing terrain, climbs and descents will keep you focused on the trail ahead.
Intermediate Riding Areas in Moab, Utah
There are many choices for intermediate trails in the Moab area. Some of the standouts are: the new Raptor Route trail system consisting of Eagle Eye and Falcon Flow, Navajo Rocks, the upper Mag-7 area, Horsethief area and Klondike Bluffs trail system. Intermediate trails designated by a blue square symbol offer steeper terrain than green trails, coupled with unavoidable obstacles and larger features. You will find ledgy rock shelves and small drops generally ranging up to 8 – inches tall. A caveat in regard to trail ratings – and Moab trail ratings in general- is that the difficulty of a trail is based on an overall trail rating. Meaning in the instance of a blue intermediate trail the majority of the trail is suitable for intermediate riders while certain segments and sections of the trail can and most likely will be slightly more challenging. There might be alternative lines to bypass these features if not when in doubt walk it out.